Teeth Whitening: Dr George's Dental White
For quite some time now I've been on a quest for whiter teeth. I don't have terribly yellow teeth; I don't smoke or drink a lot of coffee but they could be a little whiter.
I wanted to try at home whitening kits as I'd heard you could get pretty good ones, especially in the US. So when I visited Florida last November (post here) I bought some of the Crest strips. I went for the cheaper ones and to be honest they didn't really do much. I think I will try the more expensive ones next time but I didn't want to waste my money if they were rubbish.
When I visited back in May (post here) I ordered the Dr George's Dental White from Amazon as I heard this was supposed to be good. It comes with two mould trays which you heat up and mould to the shape of your own teeth. You then insert the gel, put them on your teeth for up to 20 minutes, wash them out and repeat 3 times (up to an hour altogether).
I've been doing this every few days for the last month and I have to say I have noticed a difference and have received comments from some of my friends that my teeth look whiter. I think if I did it every day then they would probably get whiter a lot quicker, however, I did notice some sensitivity and so I only did every 2-3 days. I would say I noticed more sensitivity with the Crest strips though.
I like the Dr George's Dental White because you get quite a lot in the tube so it's going to last a while if you wanted to do it every few months. They also say you can add a little to your tooth paste which I might try to do.
Have you tried any teeth whitening products you would recommend?
I'm still in America so don't forget to follow along on Facebook and Instagram to see everything I'm up to on my 3 week American adventure! @wonky_lauren
Lauren xx
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