Autumn Favourites

Autumn is finally over (*weep*) which I guess it has been for the last few weeks I just haven't wanted to admit it.  It really is my favourite time of the year (what a blogger thing to say hey!).  So I just thought I'd do a quick little round up of all the things I've loved this season.

Pumpkin Spiced Lattes although I'm more excited for the toffee and caramel latte that will be coming out for winter but autumn kicks off the flavoured latte seasons.

Dark Vampy Lips MAC's Rebel has been on rotation these last few months along with Rimmel's Kate Moss 107 beautiful wine coloured lippie.  You can see more of my Autumn Makeup Menu here.

Ugg Boots and Hunter Boots people still wear these right?  Because these are my ride or die for 6 months of the year here in London.

Coloured Leaves and Trees so pretty, so Instagram/Pinterest worthy.

New Season TV Series not strictly associated with autumn but I've really been getting in Melissa and Joey these last few months and more recently Scream Queens.  So so good!! Oh and Jane The Virgin.  When the months turn colder I become a bit of a telly addict haha.

What have you been enjoying during autumn?

Lauren xx


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