My 2020 Fitness Regime

I've always been an avid gym goer, taking classes most days but every 6-12 months I like to switch it up and re-arrange my schedule.  Mainly to keep things fresh and not to get bored but also so my body doesn't get used to doing the same thing over and over and I continue to challenge myself.  So here is what my current gym schedule is looking like:

Week 1

Monday - pilates
Tuesday - HIIT
Wednesday - 5k run and yoga
Thursday - interval training
Friday - rest day
Saturday - 5k run and yoga
Sunday - barre

Week 2 

Monday - HIIT
Tuesday - 5k run
Wednesday - barre
Thursday - hot yoga
Friday - 5k run and yoga
Saturday - 5k run and yoga
Sunday - barre

What does your gym routine look like for 2020?

Lauren xx

Follow me here @wonky_lauren


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