A Letter To My Harshest Critic
anyone who needs this..
This letter is to you,
The you that’s had a rough week. The you that seems to be under constant storm
clouds. The you that feels invisible. The you that doesn’t know how much longer you
can hold on. The you that has lost
faith. The you that always blames
yourself for everything that goes wrong.
Stop being so self-critical. You
are enough. Instead look around you at
all that you have already achieved, all the friends and family that love you
dearly and the people that accept you for who you are.
You are incredible. You make this world a little bit more wonderful. You have so much potential and so many things
left to do. You have time. Better things are coming your way, so hang in
there. You can do it.
Love, Your Future Self.
trying to do my bit for mental health.
We all suffer from time to time so I hope this helps you.
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