Be In My Girl Gang - Kayla Itsines London Bootcamp
For those of you that don't know Kayla Itsines.. DO YOU LIVE UNDER A ROCK?! Okay so let me explain, she's like this really amazing fitness blogger from Australia who has an amazing community of BBG Girls all over the world which stem from her BBG (bikini body guides) that she sells helping people to workout, get fit and healthy.
I've followed her for a long time on Instagram now and have definitely talked about her on the blog before. So when I saw she was coming to London to do a bootcamp, naturally I had to get tickets. So this Saturday I headed up to Kensington Olympia with my yoga mat, water bottle and about 5,000 other girls (and one boy I think!) to #SweatWithKayla.
If you've read any of my fitness posts before you'll know I'm quite the fanatic. I work out almost every day so I'd say my fitness levels were pretty good. However, they were definitely tested on Saturday. It was one of the hardest workouts I've ever done BUT it felt soooo amazing afterwards and was so much fun. Her guides are only 28 minutes too so can easily be incorporated into a busy lifestyle.
Tobi (her partner) did a really inspiring speech before the workout saying how proud he is of the BBG Community and everything it stands for. How it was always his and Kayla's goal to bring girls together and support each other. After the workout they gave out freebies and then we all queued up to have our photos taken with Kayla.
It was such a good day. I can't wait for next year already!
Have you tried BBG?
Lauren xx
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