The Smart Girl's Guide To The Salad Bar
There isn't always a lot of choice for on the go lunches these days, especially if you're looking to be healthy. When we think of the salad bar we automatically think it's healthy because hello, it's salad so it has to be healthy right? Wrong. The are lots of things we need to stay away from on the salad bar but still ways of being healthy too and here's how.
Stock up on the veggies, the leafy greens and all the natural stuff but avoid the processed stuff like croutons!
Also make sure to pack in the protein so whether it's fish, chicken or tofu. Mixed beans are also great. Again, avoid the processed meat like ham.
If the salad is a bit dry go for a light and low fat sauce like balsamic vinegar but avoid the creamy ones as these will clock up hundreds of calories.
Only have a small portion of carbs like pasta or rice but again check the sauce. Tomato based is fine but if it's a thick mayo or cream then keep away.
Do you have any healthy lunch ideas? Send me some inspiration!
Lauren xx
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