International Meat-Free Week
From 23 March to 29 March it's International Meat-Free Week which as a vegetarian makes me very happy. Although I don't have a problem with people eating meat I do think it's important to raise awareness of animal cruelty and factory farming. It's can also be good for your health to cut a little meat out of your diet and look at other options that taste just as good as the real thing.
I've been a vegetarian for about 6 years now and over those 6 years I've discovered more and more ways of still getting enough protein without eating meat and yummy meat alternatives. Here are the main ones I like to eat:
Quorn is probably the most popular and biggest meat alternative out there. It's made from mushrooms and soy, is high in protein and low in fat. There do so many varieties in their range from 'chicken' style pieces to cumberland sausages. They also do ready made meals such as lasagne and pies. If you visit their website (here) they have lots of recipe using quorn ingredients.
I was so obsessed with this last year I was eating it about 3 times a week! It's basically a courgette or zucchini made into noodles using a julienne peeler. You can stir fry them, use them as spaghetti bolognaise (with Quorn mince) or with pesto and tofu which is my fave. So yummy and so good for you!
Vegetable Varieties
Vegetable pizza, vegetable pasta bake, vegetable stir fry; there is always a vegetable option available whether you're eating out or making dinner at home. I think it's good to get in the habit of once a week having a vegetable variety of something you would normally have with meat such as Meat Free Monday. Maybe after this week you will have more inspiration on meat free recipe ideas.
What choices will you be making this week? You can find out more about International Meat Free Week here.
Lauren xx
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