Loving These Links
I'd say I spend 50% of my free time reading blogs, browsing websites and watching YouTube videos. As unsociable as it is to be glued to my tablet or computer I genuinely love it! So I thought I would share with you some of my favourite links to browse...
Ashley is a British actress who lives in America. She stared in Revenge and is soon to release Salem. I absolutely love her style and on her website she does style diary type posts showing you photos of outfits she has put together, where they're from and where you can buy similar items.
Tess is an Australian girl living in America. She has a whole website dedicated to fabulous healthy blender recipes and a lot of them are vegan too. Since getting a blender for Christmas I have been searching the internet for a great website where I can find lots of different blender recipes in one place and I think this is it.
Corrie is a really sweet English girl that writes a blog about all things beauty and fashion. I really love to see what new products she's bought or what she's wearing as I find her very similar to myself. If you like reading my blog I think you would love hers too!
Lucy is an English socialite who appears in the British reality show Made in Chelsea. On her website she also post similar style diaries showing you her outfits and where you can buy them. You can also find out what she's up to, recent news and view her clothing range.
Millie is another star from Made in Chelsea and if you've been reading my blog for long enough you will know she is my biggest style icon. On her website you can view her style diary (which I do religiously!), read her blog to see what she's up to and buy eyelashes from her eyelash range.
This girl doesn't need much of an introduction and any fashionista will know what amazing style she has. I have loved Olivia's fashion sense for years and years now and probably always will. I just love the way she puts bright bold colours and patterns together but yet still looks smart and elegant.
I'm afraid I don't actually know this guy's real name but he's an Australian YouTube chef who uploads lots of delicious easy to follow recipes. He's probably one of the first channels I subscribed too and I haven't bothered to subscribe to any other chef on YouTube because he literally has a recipe for everything!
Last but not least Two Halves Blog. This was created by Shenae and Josh Beech. Any fans of 90210 will recognise Shenae as Annie. The couple write this blog mainly about fashion and it's good to see a guy's input sometimes as well as being super cute! Their style is quite rock chick/grunge glam which I looooooove.
Please let me know if you have any other cool websites for me to look at. I love discovering new ones!
Lauren xx
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