November Favourites 2013!!
I can't believe we're almost at the end of the year, scary!
Here are some of the things I've been loving throughout November.
Now that I've got my hair extensions back in I needed to change up the products I've been using in my hair to make it more managable. The first product I've been enjoying is the Tigi Rockaholic Born to Rock Leave In Detangler and Defrizzer ( This is great if you have long thick hair or thick curly hair because it really gets those knots out and leaves your hair feeling soft. You apply it to towel dried hair and distribute evenly.
The next product is also by Toni and Guy and it's the Tigi Headrush Shine Spray ( This is the last product I use after I've styled my hair and it gives it a nice shine without looking greasy or oily.
Next up is some straighteners by Nicky Clarke ( I didn't really fancy forking out for GHDs when I know so many other brands do really good dupes now. I did have a pair of GHDs but my puppies chewed through the wire, bad puppies! So I've been using these and they're so good for the price. They really get through my thick hair (extensions) and I only have to go over each section twice before it's poker straight meaning I can do my whole head in about 15 minutes. These get really hot so be careful!
Another product I've been getting a lot of use out of and I think I might have mentioned in my October favourites is my Estee Lauder Sumptuous Extreme mascara ( This mascara really seperates your lashes which is exactly what I was looking for in a mascara because my last one was a bit clumpy and I don't like that. I like lashes to look long and pretty and natural looking.
The next thing is not so much a product but more a service; I had my eyelashes tinted. I wasn't sure at first whether it was worth it or not but I had them done about a week ago now and I definitely think it's worth it. They look a lot more visible which in turn makes them appear longer and thicker. It means you don't have to wear mascara if you don't want to, however, it doesn't make them look like you're actually wearing mascara so if you like that look then you may want to still apply it. I just wanted it for make-up free days and so I don't look so terrible first thing in the morning!
Next is another service and that's gel nails or shellac. I've been having these done for about a month now and get them re-done every two weeks. At first I thought it may be a waste of money as I spend about £30-35 each month having this done but I'm so lazy with painting my nails and don't always have the time so this is much better for me and they last for two weeks without chipping and too much re-growth. Also, it means I can go for a new colour each time. At the moment I have a dark shimmery pink which matches my Chanel phone cover :)
I recently downloaded an app called 'Sleep Time' on the recommendation of my cousin and it basically records your sleep pattern. So you set your alarm time and then put the phone on the bed next to you. It will then record when you're awake, light sleeping and deep sleeping. It will wake you up when you're in a light sleep somewhere between the time you set your alarm for and 30 minutes prior. This way you wake up easier and not when you're in a nice deep sleep. You then get to check out your sleep pattern throughout the night and it's actually quite fascinating. I wake up 2-3 times every night so mine looks a bit mental!
I've just started getting into American Horror Story which is on it's third season called Coven. I didn't watch the first two but it's really easy to follow and get in to. I would definitely recommend if you like a bit of a scare. It's not terrifying or anything though but probably not for you if you're a total wimp haha.
I'm a huge pasta lover but at the same time I don't like to consume too many carbs so I recently saw Millie Mackintosh (yeah I'm a tad obsessed with her!) post a photo on her Instagram of 'zoodles' which are zucchini or courgette noodles. You basically take a courgette and using a julienne peeler, scrape it down the courgette and you get long noodles. You can then use this as you would pasta or egg noodles and fry them lightly in a little oil, add some pesto, prawns or whatever and you have a tasty healthy meal! Lovely lovely.
That's all of my favourites for this month. I hope you enjoyed this post and maybe found some inspiration!
Lauren xx
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